Sunday, June 26, 2011

On Tumblr!

Hey Friends.... check out my tumblr! Click Here.

It will consist of lots of funny cultural things.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Hello faithful friends,

I am now living in Memphis and LOVE it. I think this is the end of this blog. I know that I am going to have zero time to update it this year (because I am already beyond busy and my classes haven't even started). For those of you who want to know about how Memphis is... please please please feel free to contact me any time! I like that more than talking to cyber space!

P.s. I MIGHT get a tumblr and update it with pictures and random stuff about Memphis. I was thinking of doing funny cultural things (that way I don't have to update as much)!


Thursday, May 5, 2011

i do not know if i have any faithful followers or not... but if i do, i am sorry for not updating you.

right now this is where i am at:
-i am lounging around in a swim suite in my apartment because i am longing for the ocean. today i wish i was a mermaid.
-i feel completely overwhelemd.
-i am moving to memphis in 25 days.
-i am graduating in 23 days.
-i am excited to graduate, but sad to say good bye to people.
-i need strength to finish out the semester and a renewed love for school to do another year of school and get my masters.

i love you all.

Monday, April 18, 2011


Guiding principles of Mission: doxology as the highest goal of mission, redemption as the foundation, the kingdom of God as the center, eschatology as the hope, the nations as the scope, reconciliation as the fruit, and incarnation as the character of mission.
-Ott and Strauss in Encountering Theology of Mission

Monday, April 11, 2011


Please enjoy this and soak it up.

There is no one holy like the LORD; there is no one besides you; there is no Rock like our God. (1 Sam. 2:2)

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Life has been too sweet to me recently. Last weekend I went to Visalia with the ICS Seniors to one of my professors friends homes. It was a time of reflection, giggles, and praising the Lord for who He has made us and for where He has brought us. One of my favorite things about the weekend is that we wrote purpose and vision statements.These statements did not come out of the blue but were thought out responses to who God has made us and by looking at our past. I really loved this weekend because I was with my five closest girlfriends and one of my favorite professors for all sessions. It was a time of praying for God's guidance and pure encouragement from my friends. It was so powerful to be with people who really do know  you inside out.

Some people do not reflecting on the past, but the past really is the key to your future. The past can be seen as this:

Rowing teams row backwards, with the destination being forward. They have to look backwards in order to go forwards. The way that they do this is by knowing the landmarks that will lead them forward. They know these very well and use them as their guide.

That is exactly how life is for us. We need to look at the past in order to see what God has been doing. There are many chapters, hurts, praises, divine interventions, etc. All of these things have made us who we are... God has already written our story. It is so important to recognize these things.

I will be the first to say that I thought I was going to hate having a weekend devoted to Life Maps and to this kind of stuff... but it has helped me realize how God has made me and where He is taking me.

Here is my purpose statement (of being). This is who I am in Christ and how God has made me/desires for me to live. Please keep me to it:

My purpose is to abide in Christ and to love others in an intimate and real way that shine's Christ's light. I live a life of faithfulness to the calling of God, having kingdom eyes, and to show that true obedience brings ultimate freedom and joy.

Life update:
I want to push the pause button on life right now. I love Southern California and I am going to miss all my crazy friends like crazy. I devoted today to truly being a Sabbath. I do not allow myself to do that often. I went to church with my sister (awesome message by Mr. Nick Saltas), passed out on the couch, planted flowers, road my bike to the park with Emily, swung on the swings at the park, played with the little kids, played frisbee, layed in the grass, and had In and Out for dinner. You might not think that is Sabbathing... but it was for me. I needed the kid to come out in me. Prayer for a smooth and joyful transition would be greatly appreciated (definitely glad one of my strengths if adaptability)!

Friday, March 18, 2011


Last night at Missions Conference a beautiful thing occurred: the Holy Spirit filled the gym in a way that I have not experienced at Biola before. Not only did the Holy Spirit work in the lives of many Biola students, but the Spirit is continuing to work in the lives of people this very second. The work that happen last night cannot and did not stay within the walls of the gym. Students were led to confession and repentance. Worship, prayer, and an open mic for confession lasted until 10pm. No one wanted it to end... being in the presence of the Lord with other believers who are needy for Jesus is powerful.

As I was worshiping and crying out to the Lord is desperation, a dear friend came out of no where... at the perfect time.

We embraced each other, cried, and prayed. For a long time.

God always puts people in our path when we need them. Shannon has been a friend that God has used in such mighty ways in my life. I am convinced she is my heart sister. I think I will forever cherish that moment. It was so special. I wish I could take the memory out of my head and heart and put it onto this page... so others can see how powerful friendship really is.

Embrace your friendships. God has placed people in your life for a reason. Go beyond the surface talk... get to their hearts.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I do not think I will ever understand how Biola students or Christians for that matter do not understand Missions. The whole stinkin' bible is about Mission(s).

Is it that hard to see? Open your eyes Biola.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Franciscan Prayer

May God bless you with discomfort. Discomfort at easy answers, half truths, and superficial relationships, so that you may live deep within your heart. Amen.

May God bless you with anger. Anger at injustice, oppression and exploitation of people, so that you may work for justice, freedom and peace. Amen.

May God bless you with tears. Tears to shed for those who suffer from pain, rejection, starvation and war, so that you may reach out your hand to comfort them and turn their pain into joy. Amen.

May God bless you with foolishness. Enough foolishness to believe that you can make a difference in this world, so that you can do what others claim cannot be done. Amen.

And the blessing of God, who creates, redeems and sanctifies, be upon you and all you love and pray for this day, and forever more. Amen.

Monday, March 14, 2011

It is almost Christmas- ICS Style!

Missions conference is almost here and I am so beyond excited I can't see straight.

Bring it Holy Spirit. BRING IT. Make people fall more in love with Jesus. Show us our faults and make us rely more on you. Empty us... please.

P.s. Everyone donate for blood for missions... Even if you hate needles.

P.s.s. Donate for Japan relief. our money is not our own... God is slowly teaching me this. Here is a worthy organization... Samaritan's Purse.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

God desires us to PRAY!

Our world is broken... yet I have to remind myself that God allows somethings to happen, whether they are good or bad, for His glory. I do not understand this and I do not think I ever will fully. I have been sad girl and was crying pretty hard earlier in prayer this morning after I saw new pictures and videos.

I do not know why, but this earthquake in Japan has rocked me more than most. God has been breaking my heart for Japan and Asia in general a lot recently. I am thankful for this because I am more inclined and reminded to pray for Japan... for the long haul.

Our world is a mess. Good thing God desires our prayers and responds. He hears the prayers of the Saints. Pray for:
Libya- political rest, safety, peace.
Egypt- same as Libya... and for good leaders.
Haiti- to not be forgotten, more relief, and to turn their eyes on the Lord.
New Zealand- relief and to look towards Jesus.
Afghanistan and Iraq- Pray for our troops...

and for Urban America. Thanks friends. Let's be faithful in prayer.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Giddy about Church

Today I told my friend Alain about moving to Memphis and he instantly said, "Well... sweet, you have to go to Bryan Loritts Church," which is Fellowship Memphis. It is so funny that he said that because I have been church web site hopping (there should be a term for that) and I have been so stoked about checking out Fellowship Memphis! Bryan Loritts is a Biola Talbot Alum as well. When I move I really want to get involved in a church and make it my family. During college I moved around so much (home, school, Washington D.C., Azusa, etc), that it was hard to plant myself somewhere. But now I finally can... which is one of the things I am most excited about for after college! Don't get me wrong... I have loved going to Southlands Church and now the Persian Church.

Anyways, this church seems awesome. The heart of the church seems to align a lot of thing things I value and see important. Check it out yo. 

Monday, February 28, 2011


There are certain artists that have spoken to me a lot throughout college and childhood as well. Music is so good for the soul. Sometimes I feel like I am going to be that old lady who goes to a certain artist just to bask in their music... and well ladies and gentlemen, one of them is Adele. Please listen to her amazing new album and buy it if you please.

She will not disappoint you.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Psalm 104 is one of my favorite Psalms about creation. God loves His creation and did not give us creation to take over and destroy- He entrusted it to us to take care of and to SERVE. We are to cultivate the earth. After all, the earth takes care of us and we are to take care of it. We rely on each other. What will our children think of our generation if we are not people who reverse the cycle that it is in? I think that we as Christians we should be more concerned about taking care of the earth- myself included. I am trying to figure out what it looks like to live in a way that is honoring to the Lord- in light of creation care. This is going to be a journey.

Here is something amazing to look at (from National Geographic) in terms of industrialization, nature, and how far we have come (both good and bad). Click here. 

And for kicks... take this Water Footprint Calculator. It is really interesting!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Do you ever think it is possible to get drunk off of your own energy or craziness? Today has proven that my own personality has made me feel like I am drunk, when in fact, I have gone crazy/slightly insane.

After an oddly productive social day at school and work, I came home, knowing that I had a lot of homework to tackle. I ended up pondering on the fact that I have completely lost it when I found myself groaning every five minutes while trying to do my Spanish homework. My brain activity is clogged and needs some serious drain-o because I am starting to think I cannot comprehend anymore information that I do not want to know.

My lovely neighbor Weston came over asking for a bowl to use for mixing and as I walked into the kitchen to get it I instantly I turned into "Ange-jello" and could barely walk. My mind, body, and soul are exhausted- due to what I think is senioritis.

I find myself on Urban Ecology websites for hours and looking at pictures of bunnies (because after all it is the year of the rabbit right?) I think I am going a little crazy. After Melissa told me she was going to buy a bunny today I was so excited for a few reasons.

Adults own pets for a reason. Yes, dogs are adorable, but they also help people stay sane. American's are crazy. We live in this hyper motivated society where we do way too many things in one day. We do not know how to rest, breathe, or enjoy life like a normal person. I think we could really use a lesson in rest from people in rural China or Nepal. Due to our craziness, we need a pet in order to keep us sane. An animal does not talk back to you... it simply enjoys your company. And that is why, my friends, The Nest (our apartment) is going to get a rabbit (once Melissa buys it). You may be thinking, "Oh man, they have really lost it," which we may have. But apparently Melissa has been thinking of getting a rabbit for nine months now, so it is about time our home has a little creature to take care of.

I am also finding that if I do not work out everyday I cannot focus because I have so much pent up energy that is stored in the wrong place. I wish it would all go to my brain and stay there. It is days like these that I do not know how I am going to start my Masters in June. Or how I am going to make friends with this weirdness level. Hopefully my mind will be okay and will be so excited to learn something different than the theology and methodologies of Missions. Don't get me wrong- I love missions, but I have been studying it for four years now. It is about time to move on to something else and to actually do something instead of talking about it.

All I have to say is... thank you for still being my friend despite my craziness.

Monday, February 21, 2011

girl arms

realization of the day: it is unfair that guys are allowed to have strong arms and that it will take a life time for me to have strong arms (not buff and manly ones though).

my frail arms had a real rough time in my weight training class tonight with em. we are GOING to make sure that they get stronger by the end of the semester. just you wait.

p.s. is it weird that i think i might get married in memphis? who would of ever thought that i would ever think that... maybe it is because of this (click here).

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The lady in the apartment complex over from me (right across the alley) cries herself to sleep every night. Something is going on behind her closed doors. The blinds are shut all day. I wish I could help or know what is going on- but only God knows.

Pray for her. Pray for her heart to be calmed by the peace of God. Pray for whatever is happening- whether it be depression, abuse, or something else.

God, deliver her from what is happening. Please.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

I can't...

WAIT to start taking teaching classes and to just teach! I want to be worked and pushed to the limits. I want the next four years of my life to be dedicated to the cause of Urban Education in Memphis and making God known. Gosh, I'm so excited. 

(Isn't he precious?)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My Friend Melanie

My friend Melanie is serving in India with a few other people from the University of Oregon for an internship. Melanie is one of the first and last people I would expect in this coutnry. Melanie has never gone on a mission trip and now she is abroad in India- so no one believed it when they found out she was going. She is also one of the first people I would expect to go to India because she has a FREE SPIRIT and lives each day to the fullest (she really does). She calls me a Hippie all the time- but let's be honest- Melanie is slowly turning into one (and I love it). God is using her as a light among the children she is teaching and I know that she will be forever changed and rocked by this experience. You can read her blog here. 

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Nerd lert

I am a senior in college and should be having major senioritis, yet I am finding that I want to take more and more classes. I am realizing that I might be a different breed of a senior.

When registration for classes was still going on I was so disappointed that the grammar English class had a time conflict with one of my classes (even though i didn't need the class at all). I just think grammar is really fun and wish I knew it inside out. I like world civilization and find it fascinating to learn about useless things- such as unknown pharaohs in world civilizations. I have also been finding myself day dreaming about learning Spanish fluently someday (which will probably take my a lifetime). Today I was talking to a communication disorders major and became instantly overjoyed with the thought of how fun the International Phonetic Alphabet is and how fascinating the human mouth, tongue, and airflow is. During work today I started to think about how fun it would be to take bible classes when i am done with Biola and my masters (maybe through IHOP).

All of these things are just so weird to me. I am so weird. I have always known this, but it is becoming more and more real to me.

I guess it is a good thing that I am going into the field of education and teaching. I find so much joy in learning really simple things. For example, I think that the water cycle is the coolest thing (mainly because it shows how creative God is with nature and order).

Well it's time for me to look up how to teach a fourth grader long division in a simple manner. I told Dulce at MIKA that I would help her out tomorrow.

Buenos noches.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Please Be Obsessed

I am obsessed with this store. I hope you will be too, because I check the sale section religiously and would feel less crazy if you would see how wonderful it is. will become your friend... and if you are really liking it head down to Santa Monica and read some cards with the ocean breeze.

They have the CUTEST cards and stationary known to man. I love receiving cards and giving cards. I dream of making them and even thought it would be one of the most fun jobs when I was a kid (if I was only more artistic). Maybe when I am 65 and retired (fingers crossed) I will work at Paper-Source and show off my awesome embossing skills or something crazy like that.

Filmography 2010

It's funny how life is full of a bunch of common themes that always seem to blend together.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Holy Smokes

I just learned that I grew up in an area where there were 28 sex offenders within my area code. I was terrified and always thought someone was going to get me when I was home alone (mainly due to the weird events that happened to me when I was home alone). Then I moved to La Mirada where there are 500 sex offenders within my area code. And now I am moving to Memphis, TN where there are 1300 sex offenders within my area code.

All I can say is "Holy Smokes." Good thing I am taking RADS. Memphis is going to be my mission field, the place where I invest my life for the next four plus years, where I love on children, and hopefully become the urban educator that God desires me to be. I am going to give it my all- relying solely on God's strength. 

God knows I am paranoid and fearful. It has been a gradual process of really relying and trusting God to be my protector and learning how to deal my anxiety. Funny how He has called me to a place where there are 1300 sex offenders... ironic? Of course God hates this... greatly. But it is still not ironic. 

This is where prayer comes in my friends.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Path of Loving

"The path of loving trust means: absolute, unconditional, and unwavering confidence in God our loving Father, even when everything seems to be a total failure. look to Him alone as our help and protector. stop doubting and being discouraged, casting all our worries and cares on the Lord, and to walk in total freedom. be daring and absolutely fearless of any obstacle, knowing that nothing is impossible with God. reliance on our Heavenly Father with the spontaneous abandonment of little children, totally convinced of our utter nothingness but trusting to the point of rashness with courageous confidence in His fatherly goodness.

Let us thank God for all His love for us, in so many ways and in so many places. let us return, as an act of gratitude and adoration, determine to be holy because He is holy."

Mother Teresa, No Greater Love, p.63

Her heart is expressed so passionately and raw through her eloquent words. The path of loving, as Mother Teresa has described, is right on. What would it look like it I lived in this truth? I wish I had total reliance on my heavenly Father. I would like to say that I do- but it is a constant battle. Little by little I am giving more and more of myself over to Him as I desire for Him to have full reign (as all of us who call ourselves Christians do). As I am reading her book I keep finding myself stopping and rereading paragraph after paragraph. Her words are deep, loving, true, and very convicting. I am trying to figure out what it means to be "holy." I have to admit I do not understand how I can be holy, when I think of God as being the only Holy being. I suppose this is a process.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


This video made me really happy. Creation will never stop amazing me... which makes me more in awe with God all the time. On Monday I went to Sunset Cliffs San Diego and San Clemente Pier, on Tuesday I went to my favorite beach in Laguna (A Thousand Steps), and today I went to the Santa Monica Farmer's Market right along the PCH. Most of you know that the beach is dear to my heart and that my soul feels replenished when my feet are in the sand and I feel the ocean breeze. I feel at home and feel closer to God and more in awe of Him every time I near the ocean. I believe it is God's gift to us- all of creation... well I know it is.

I am amazed that even the waves obey His voice. I truly am.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Lamps & Mother Teresa

"What we need is to love without getting tired. How does a lamp burn? Through the continuous input of small drops of oil. What are these drops of oil in our lamps? They are the small things of daily life: faithfulness, small words of kindness, a thought for others, our way of being silent, of looking, of speaking, and of acting. Do not look for Jesus away from yourselves. He is not out there; He is in you. Keep your lamp burning, and you will recognize Him." -Mother Teresa

The other day I decided to go to Barnes and Nobles and see if they had any historal books on the city of Memphis (which they didn't) and ended up sitting on the ground of one of the book isles reading a book on natural healing methods instead. As I was leaving the store I saw the 75% off bargain books section, which totally caught my attention. I came across a book I have been wanting to read forever- "No Greater Love" by Mother Teresa! Let's just say that her words have inspired me, challenged me, and have made me want to grow more in love with Jesus my whole life- even before I was a Christian. I have a book I am suppose to be readin for work and I just can't get it finished... Yet I can't put this book down. There is something so powerful and almost endearing when you read a book by someone you respect so much- I almost feel like I know her (even though I know she is with the Lord). Her words and actions have been talked about by my family as long as I can remember. We all have the ability to love people and to be deeply in love with Jesus like she was- it is just a matter of self- sacrifice ad allowing our hearts to be fully open to the love of God.

I want to shine for Jesus.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Europe Adventure

As many of you know, I spent three wonderful weeks in Europe. I think I could write a book on the experiences I had there (including all of the crazy things that happen). Back in August I reserved my flight to Germany with the goal of spending Christmas and New Years with Meghan (best friend from home). This trip was not intended to be a tourist trip or a trip to fit in all of the things that I wanted to do. The one goal I had for this trip was to experience Meghan's life and to better understand how she is serving military kids in Germany. And let me tell you... I think I have a pretty good grasp on her life or so I think so. I had the wonderful privilege of meeting her friends, becoming friends with them, sharing life, and lots of laughs. I got to know her girls really well because I was one of the girl leaders in Austria on the Ski Trip. Austria was by far my favorite place and my favorite experience. Pouring into the girls lives was awesome- even though I only got to spend a week with them. God did some really sweet things with our group of girls :)
I finally can understand the military hardships Meghan goes through in Germany and her living situation (not to mention that she drives stick shift)! We had some of the funniest things happen to us while we were in Austria, Germany, and Spain (ask me about them- you might wet your pants). I feel so blessed to have a best friend like her. We get along so well it freaks me out- that is what you get when you have a best friend for your whole life though, Pray for Meghan as she returns to love military brats in Germany until the end of July.

Here are a few pictures. Enjoy :)

 Christmas Eve in Meghan's small German Town- it was magical!

Christmas Eve Chapel on base got cancelled because the roads were so icy so we stumbled into this Catholic Church instead. They were "Oh Holy Night" in German and it was absolutely beautiful. It gave me the chills.

 Lauren came back to Germany after Austria. She gives me the giggles.

 Trier, Germany

 A few days after we got back from Austria it rained and the snow melted! I woke up one morning and saw green and I thought it was Christmas! 

Louis and Meghan on the "safe" Austrian sledding run. 

We got to spend a week (including New Years Eve) in this wonderful hotel! Beautiful back drop! I woke up every morning in complete awe. Austria is the most beautiful place my eyes have ever seen.

 Some of the gang on the sledding run.

I have a confession... I love McDonald's in Germany. I can't stop day dreaming about it! I hate it in America though. It is so much better there.

Cute man in Innsbruck, Austria.

This picture makes me look like I am a professional skier... which is far from true.

80's night with some of the girls in Austria- such a fun night!

Do you see how beautiful Austria is? The Alps are breathtaking! 

Some of the girls :) 

Crown? Haha. The Cathedral in Barcelona. 

This market had more fruit in one place than I have ever seen in my life. Yum!

On the Mediterranean in Barcelona. 

It was a GREAT three weeks! Thanks to all who supported me for the Austria Trip. God did some really sweet things in the girls lives- I can't wait to share with you all!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Who ever thought I would miss gas stations being open 24 hours, having access to a gym, using dollars, and having an endless selection of vegetables to choose from at Safeway?

I love traveling... but sometimes the convenience of America just gets me good.

Dang it, America.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Cheers to Spring 2011

When asked where I am from I always emphasize the fact that I am from the Bay Area, not from Los Angeles... well because, lets face it... the Bay is just glorious (and I am bias).

I am sitting here in Germany, waiting for Meghan to wake up, and reflecting on how I have about four months left in Southern California. I have to admit I am getting kind of sad about it. I know that I cannot be sad about it for now and that I need to soak up every moment and live in the present. So because of that... here is my list of things to accomplish before I say adios to Los Angeles.
  1. Go to Thousand Steps as much as possible. Make it a goal to swim out past the rocks and float for at least an hour with a friend. I did this with Amy and it was literally one of my favorite moments at the beach.
  2. Go camping in Malibu Canyon for a weekend with my closest friends and bring lots of fun games.
  3. Try to make it to Coachella- better start saving or find someone to hook me up with free tickets.
  4. Spend quality time with friends- and try NEW adventures.
  5. Make it to the Santa Monica Farmers Market for breakfast. 
  6. Buy as many flowers as I can afford at the LA Flower Market on a saturday morning. For one whole week my apartment will smell like heaven.
  7. Take a stroll along the Venice Canals with a close friend that I love... then go long boarding along the ocean in Venice to Santa Monica. Reward ourselves with Tacos!
  8. Go to Pedro's Tacos in San Clemente at least three times- Memphis will be missing this.
  9. When I have three hours to kill.... drive straight to Newport and enjoy some vitamin D.
  10. When the opportunity presents itself... pray with people and encourage! 
Here is a quick list of activities I am going to be involved in:
  1. Volunteering for MIKA- my favorite community development corporation in Costa Mesa.
  2. Taking four classes and 2 PE's :) I killed myself last semester so I can take it easy my last.
  3. Hanging out with my roommates constantly and laughing ALL the time. That is what goes down in Beachcomber 106.
  4. And of course, studying.
Cheers to Spring 2011. 

Thursday, January 6, 2011

This Little Lady is Moving to Memphis!

As of January 3rd...

I learned that I was accepted into the Memphis Teaching Residency! check it out. The next four years of my life or more... I will be living in Memphis earning my Masters in Urban Education and teaching elementary school. I am pretty stoked!

A blog will come soon on this journey (when I return to the states from Germany).

P.s. So far I have been to Barcelona, Austria and all over Germany. I am in love with Austria... everyone should go their.