Monday, August 10, 2009


This last week has been quite the whirlwind of emotions. Melanie's and many others dear Jeremiah is now with the Lord, celebrating and rejoicing, because he is with His King. It has been a rough last few days. I feel mentally drained. Every time I look at Melanie I have to remind myself to "stay strong" for her sake. I absolutely love her and want to be there for her... Pray for her. Her heart is big. She wants to stay strong in her faith, as I know she will.

In the midst of this... I know that God is good and EVERYTHING can be used for His glory. Amen to that. God is so good. All the time. His love is never ending. This whole experience has got me thinking on every moment in life. To embrace the day and know that tomorrow isn't promised. To know that God has me on earth for a purpose and to seek after Him. I am learning that I want to walk out the first and second commandment as best as I can. In the end I will meet God face to face and he will ask me if I trusted Him. I want to say "Yes Lord and I loved much."

Jesus is so good. And so stinkin' beautiful.