Tuesday, June 29, 2010

They will know us by our love

Click here to read the blog entry...

Donald Miller has a blog that is worth following. His blog entry from yesterday was interesting and very true. People are so desperately searching for love, that a woman who speaks peace and gives hugs is attracting a huge following in the Hindu tradition. This is challenging. I think I can love quite a lot, but do I really? I haven't gone out of my way recently to show love to people whom I usually wouldn't. It is so easy to love your friends and family. But what about the person who frustrates you? The people who have completely different opinions then your own? That one person who has wronged you in the past?

Jesus was pretty darn good at loving. I think its about time I start trying a little harder.

Friday, June 25, 2010

mexico love time

lets see, where to start.
oh thats right- mexico.

last saturday i witnessed my best friend, shannon, get married. for those of you who are reading it (who are probably my best friends), yes, i do have quite a few best friends.

i just think it is so crazy that my best friend got married. i have gone to my fair share of biola weddings and family weddings in my life and this topped them all. i am pretty sure my own wedding will probably not top this. walking through the adventure of shannon meeting joel, going on their first date, kiss, engagement, and then WEDDING... was nuts. i have never seen shannon, yes, you shannon, so happy in my life. it was just so beautiful. i had to stop myself from crying the whole ceremony.

all of the groaning of wanting to get hitched in a courthouse came to an end on june 19, 2010. i am pretty sure once she put on that wedding dress on she knew that it was real.and that this was her day. there was no stopping her.

the ceremony seemed like it took about 5 minutes, when in reality it was much longer. i  also a fan of an unconventional wedding standing arrangment. i think that the bridesmaids and groomsmen should switch places so we can see our beloved friends, but then again it would defeat the purpose of standing behind them.

the wedding was amazing, the dancing was fantastic, and the night was young. stars were so bright you could actually see them, which is quite the treat when you live in LA.

the water was calming and the PERFECT temperature. i could of swam for days.

the friends and loved ones of shannon and joel that i became friends with were fantastic. def a good group of people.

i could continue and babble about every single momment, but i will just keep them as a memory in my head. i have lots and lots of snap shots of memories up in their that i will treasure for a while.

so proud of you shan, you did it AND now you are married forever. crazy.

Friday, June 11, 2010

wv and interests

first of all, i am loving working at world vision. i think it is such a great opportunity to dive into an organization that cares so deeply about the heart of God and the oppressed. the things that they talk about are so beautifully displayed in the bible- that it makes my heart pound with passion. i love my position- summer student of the governance dept. i find everything that i am learning extremely interesting and applicable- so that's good! my co-workers are awesome and we have devotions daily as a team. i have become friends with all the other interns and i must say we have a good bunch :)

on another note, i was just thinking of how much i like melanne verver. if some of you don't know her check her out- here is her bio. i had the opportunity to hear her at one of the first hearings on the international violence against woman's act on the senate side with john kerry. the way she conducts herself and presses forward with the cause of women rights is commendable.

in other news... check on these websites. they are intriguing, interesting, and things that i want to get more involved with/more educated on.

Vital Voices
Council on Foreign Relations
Women's Foreign Policy Group

i wish i was at this hearing. guess i will have to listen to it on webcast.

Friday, June 4, 2010


the smell of fresh grass, clear air, and families riding around on bikes during the day beats nothing in los angeles. beautiful clouds with the backdrop of rolling hills are priceless. pine trees please my senses as i drive down the road. falling asleep to stillness and waking up to humming birds... delightful. i live for this kind of stuff.

oh and did i mention that my neighbor saw that i was coming home on face book and came over to ask what kind of desert i wanted her to bake. amazing! 

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

i feel like a nomad sometimes, a secure one at that. i looked at my key chain earlier and i have a key to four different houses, all of which i would call home. thats a bit crazy to me. i have clothes and trinkets spread out at all of them. there is one place that will forever be called home: pleasanton. today i was driving on the 210 east to the 57 south to get to brea. as i was driving i was in between a valley and there were hills on both sides of me. my soul literally was crying out of joy. i was so excited, it felt like home. i am in a location where there are mountains right behind me, but it just doesn't cut the beautiful mountains without smog at home. i love norcal, with all of my heart.

 i suppose god places us where he wants us.