Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Do you ever think it is possible to get drunk off of your own energy or craziness? Today has proven that my own personality has made me feel like I am drunk, when in fact, I have gone crazy/slightly insane.

After an oddly productive social day at school and work, I came home, knowing that I had a lot of homework to tackle. I ended up pondering on the fact that I have completely lost it when I found myself groaning every five minutes while trying to do my Spanish homework. My brain activity is clogged and needs some serious drain-o because I am starting to think I cannot comprehend anymore information that I do not want to know.

My lovely neighbor Weston came over asking for a bowl to use for mixing and as I walked into the kitchen to get it I instantly I turned into "Ange-jello" and could barely walk. My mind, body, and soul are exhausted- due to what I think is senioritis.

I find myself on Urban Ecology websites for hours and looking at pictures of bunnies (because after all it is the year of the rabbit right?) I think I am going a little crazy. After Melissa told me she was going to buy a bunny today I was so excited for a few reasons.

Adults own pets for a reason. Yes, dogs are adorable, but they also help people stay sane. American's are crazy. We live in this hyper motivated society where we do way too many things in one day. We do not know how to rest, breathe, or enjoy life like a normal person. I think we could really use a lesson in rest from people in rural China or Nepal. Due to our craziness, we need a pet in order to keep us sane. An animal does not talk back to you... it simply enjoys your company. And that is why, my friends, The Nest (our apartment) is going to get a rabbit (once Melissa buys it). You may be thinking, "Oh man, they have really lost it," which we may have. But apparently Melissa has been thinking of getting a rabbit for nine months now, so it is about time our home has a little creature to take care of.

I am also finding that if I do not work out everyday I cannot focus because I have so much pent up energy that is stored in the wrong place. I wish it would all go to my brain and stay there. It is days like these that I do not know how I am going to start my Masters in June. Or how I am going to make friends with this weirdness level. Hopefully my mind will be okay and will be so excited to learn something different than the theology and methodologies of Missions. Don't get me wrong- I love missions, but I have been studying it for four years now. It is about time to move on to something else and to actually do something instead of talking about it.

All I have to say is... thank you for still being my friend despite my craziness.

1 comment:

Emily Ann said...

I will always be your friend. And your weirdness is one of the things I love about you!!