Sunday, December 13, 2009

transition time.

{Uncle Steve and Kayla fishing}

Last week as I was in the midst of my "Oh goodness, I am actually leaving" stage, Shannon Tierney blessed my facebook inbox with a very needed message. In it she expressed how she wished someone told her about the transition from Argentina to Biola. She expressed that although it is hard, God has us in certain places at certain times. It is important to debrief, to journal, and to reflect on our time in our loved places. It is also important to share our moments with others, so we do not feel alone.

Thanks to a good friend who noticed my broken heart, I am somewhat at ease.

I am currently in Florida with my Grandma and Uncle Larry. I thought that coming here would confuse the cycle of life and make me an emotional mess. God is surprising me. He has blessed me with Family who cares.

Today I spent the morning reading, praying, and taking care of my Grandma. This afternoon I rode bikes with my cousins Kayla and Cassidy, played raquetball, read "The Giving Tree" (my all time favorite), let Cassidy play with my hair, had a delicious burger, and had a good dinner discussion.

God has been kind to me.

I do miss my D.C. friends greatly, more then imaginable. I did not realize how close we all got and how much of a family unit we became. I also did not realize how much I changed, due to the fact that I was surrounded by people who were also changing at the same pace. I love the pace of D.C. and the fact that people's lives are not complacent or settled.

I am here in Florida till Friday and plan to soak in every second of it, relax, and to just share life with loved ones.

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