Wednesday, December 2, 2009

last day of internship

{Sudanese Refugee}

Today was the last day at my internship. This semester has been a roller coaster of emotions on how I have felt about my internship. Instead of going through the process, I will cut to the chase and go to the end result… I absolutely loved it.

I was exposed to every part of the organization. From writing news clips to dissecting Sudanese law, I have seen how an NGO fully operates and what it takes. I have learned about myself, my views, and have been challenged on many different levels. Although it was rough at times, I would not trade it for the world.

I will say, thus far in my life, this has been one of the most molding 3 months of my life. I have been challenged by how I think politically, what I hold as truth, what I think about the kingdom of God, how to be a light in the work place, what it means to hold onto hope and live it out, what shalom and justice truly mean, and how to pray for those who are afflicted.

Today as the time was approaching for me to leave, I said my last good bye’s and sent out an e-mail saying goodbye with my personal e-mail address so people can stay in touch. As I was saying goodbye and giving hugs, I was overwhelmed with sadness.

Right as I was leaving I was approached by the president of the organization who thanked me for my work. I had to stop myself from crying. It was so nice and was so special to be thanked for my work by him.

As I was flipping through my bible today to get to Jeremiah, I came across a chipotle receipt with a prayer on the back. The first day of my internship I arrived early to scope out where it was and had time to go to Cosi. While I was there I was reading my bible and wrote a prayer down before my first internship. I found it ironic that I found it hidden in my bible on the last day of my internship. It reads:

Lord Jesus… Today mold me and give me the mindset of a servant. Allow me to be a humble person who reflects you in the office.

Lord, give me the eyes to see, the ears to hear and the words to say that you glorify you.

Lord, give me courage and have me be a light with salt.

Lord, I want to be able to glorify you.

Heal my tummy from this pain, nervousness is here.

Lord, you are a good God and I thank you for that.

Thank you for loving me and calling me beloved. You are the one to be praised.

God answered that prayer. He listens and is so faithful.

Thank you Jesus for opening my eyes, molding me, and for allowing me to be a part of an unfolding story.

1 comment:

Rachel McCord said...

shoot, i almost teared up a bit.
so proud of you ang, im so glad you got to have this experience.