Monday, December 14, 2009

girl guy discovery.

I am sure since the garden, communication has been something that differs among men and women. Over the last few months and the last few years in college, I have slowly begun to figure out the different communication styles between men and women.

I am the queen of communication. I love keeping contact and knowing what is going on in my friends lives.

Men on the other hand can say "I think about you" but never do anything about it.

Girls think about something, react, and then give someone a call.

This runs true with my Dad, my guy friends, ex-boys, etc.

Girls are just naturally better communicators,ys which is natural. Guys are good at plently of other things.

Leaving D.C. and knowing that I am not going to be seeing these people, makes me want to be in contact with them. I will not be overbearing... I promise. I just really love knowing how people are and what is going on in their lives so I can be praying. Not so much a bad thing I believe.

Side note/update from Florida: woke up at 12, received a heart breaking text from Rach, rode a bike to the park (woah), swang on some swings, and had a few good phone calls. The sun is out, I am sweaty, and I really want to borrow my Grandma's car but my Uncle won't let me. Boohoo.

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