Sunday, August 22, 2010

My heart is all over ze place

We have all been there... having a bunch of ideas floating up in that glorious and complex brain of ours. Graduation in the near 9 months, my job starting up in a few days, trying to comprehend how the heck I am going to wake up at 8:30 everyday and end at 9 at night. I am a bit of shambles. It happens- it is all a part of life.

I will give you a little snap shot of the last few days with the new Biola babies. First of all I need to say something: I do not think I am an intimating person by any means. Apparently some freshmen girls think I am because when I talk to them they look like I am scary and too cool. Maybe I am just too overwhelming for them! I like to give them some hope so I have shared how I met most of my good friends the first few weeks at Biola. that is when i see a smile on their faces.

Tonight we had the commissioning of the freshmen/transfers to the Biola community. It was a lovely experience and I met some really nice girls who are eager to be at Biola. It is nice to have a fresh group of people who are stoked about school. Singspo took place after the commissioning- which is always good.

I have been reflecting on the fact that I, like many others (since we are sinners), get incredibly distracted by my purpose on this little earth. I often forget that God put me here for a reason and that my whole entire purpose of being is to glorify Him. If that is my entire purpose of being, then why do I neglect God all the time and forget about spending time with Him? This needs to change. I am most joyful when I am spending time with Jesus, who should be the #1 always. Today I caught myself in the car having a pity party  (in my head) over something and just stopped and was like "Seriously God, I cannot have pity parties, they are stupid and you are so much bigger- please do not allow me to have them." He stopped my pity party, of course.

This little heart is all over ze place. It is okay though- God is in the midst and is totally listening to some legit prayers. I hope I get some guidance soon- especially on if I should apply to Teach for America and/or Memphis Teaching Residency. Shoot up some prayers on those two please.

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