Tuesday, January 12, 2010

rise of attention.

I am not going to say I do not love Muslims, because I have met some really great and wonderful Muslim friends. Unfortunately, the extremists just give Muslims a really bad name.

Last year I would say anything to defend Muslims, mainly due to the fact that many Christians hate them, when there are many who are striving for peace and are doing everything they can do to gain righteous favor in Allah's eyes.

I still think Christian's should love on Muslim's and not hate, due to the fact that we are called to love all people. There has been increased attention in my eyes on extremists issues within the time I went to D.C until now. On one hand I am disappointed in myself for not reading the news more, but on the other hand the sense of "not knowing" blocks out certain issues and does not bring forth godly frustration. I have never read, been more frustrated, or hurt by international as I have with all these extremists groups. Since going to D.C. my pride for America has increased, ha, who thought that day would ever come. The Fort Hood incident really frustrated me as well, as I know it has for many other American's.

This article really through me for a loop.... click here to read "Britain Moves to Ban Islamic Group" from the New York Times.

Pray that these people would experience Jesus Christ in a real way, that the Devil would no longer have a hold on them, and that they would repent and strive for righteousness.

1 comment:

Michael said...

Hate breeds hate. Love your enemies. Hate is a natural reaction to someone who has wronged you or yours. Love is choosing not to hate.

Love itself is a miracle.