Sunday, November 15, 2009

These people...

I miss dearly and love greatly.
Christina Blake. My sister and best friend. I miss this twits sass, her ability to understand me inside out, and her ridiculous jokes.

Meghan Marell. My side kick since Kindergarten. Miss this lady's love, our giggle attacks, and spontaneity.

Rachel McCord. My Biola love and bestie. Miss this crazy's artistic spirit, her silliness, and love for the simple things in life.

Christina Burke. My silly and loyal friend. Miss this girl's ability to understand all the silly things about me, her faith, and her counselor charisma.

Shannon Tierney. My lovely friend who has a similar heart for the world. Miss this woman's heart, her wonderful laugh, and her truthful words.

Melanie Dort. My good friend who is flourishing. Miss this woman's desire for growth, the silly things she does, and her crazy self.

Amy Armstrong. My"free spirited" friend. Miss this girls hugs, her love for nature&water, and love for the weirdest and craziness things in life.

Thanks for being a huge part of my life ladies.

{in no particular order... and these are people i haven't seen in a very long time... there are many whom i love}


Rachel McCord said...

Angela Blake, you are hereby never again allowed to live in a different time zone than me. The end.
Can't wait to see you soon my love!

Shannon said...

while i love that you miss us and that D.C. is great and everything, we would all like it if you came back now.