Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Passion & Numbness

Passion does not come overnight; it is something that has been cultivated by different experiences that have deeply touched your heart. It may sound cheesy but it is true.
When I think of my passions, I think of things that I deeply love: family, missions, people, nature, travel, world issues, and culture.

I walked into my internship full of passion and ready to do anything I was asked for the sake of advancing any kind of initiative that would help refugees have a voice.
I have not strayed from this passion, but I have become a bit numb to it. I have been trying to reconcile between the fact that I feel numb to what I am doing and actually not caring.

As a human, being exposed to something too much, you can become numb. Day after day I read articles, heart break stories, go to conferences on Refugees, conferences on sexual violence/rape, and much more. All of these things had my attention in the beginning, but now I feel as if my heart and my mind are no longer digesting the information.

As a human being, whose mind cannot fully take everything in, I feel it is okay to feel this way for a short while. God is the only one who can take in ALL the information, knows it inside out, and knows what’s up. He has been and will always continue to be passionate about what is going on in this world.

Luckily I feel assured that even though I do not feel entirely passionate about what I am doing at the moment, I know this “numbness” is not forever.


Christina Blake said...

this is sad, its weird that you dont have passion :(

Christina Blake said...

this is sad, its weird that you dont have passion :(

Angela said...

I just feel as if I am becoming numb to everything. That is what this city has done! Ha, I need nature.