Monday, November 2, 2009

Californian: Born and Raised.

True confession: If you were to ask me last year about America's culture, I would say "Ah, What Culture?" Or I may have responded by saying "Get me out of here!"

That has changed.

I am coming to realize how rich and diverse this lovely country is. Being born and raised in both Southern California andNorthern California, I have seen the West Coast side of things. I breathe it and live it.

I dream about swimming in the ocean, making peace with others, smelling the trees of the forest, going on drives on windy roads leading up to the diamonds in the sky, listening to my friends play the guitar while I soak it all in, going on hikes and enjoying life with friends, and roaming the streets of San Francisco on a sunny day.

Being in this program has made me realize how different people are... right here in my homeland, the Untied States. We have people from the West Coast, the Mid-West, the South, and a few from the East Coast. All so different. Everyone has a different story, a different background, and something different to contribute to the group. It is a beautiful thing.

It has made me realize that I have been in my "west-coast bubble" for far too long. I have explored ten different countries... yet have not explored the whole Untied States.

My new goal should be to see all 50 states... but I am not going to commit to that goal quite yet.
The states I already have down:
California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Oregon, Texas (still need more of it), Florida, Washington D.C. (not a state), New York, Pennsylvania, Louisiana, Stopped in New Mexico on a plane (does not really count... but I don't have much a desire to go there), Georgia (Atlanta just for a day), Hawaii, and hmm thats about it.
So 37 more to go. Woah... I have the west coast vibe down... I think I need to explore the places that are unfamiliar to me. I really need to explore Colorado during the summer, I know that. Possibly the South? Maybe the Mid-West? We shall see where this desire leads me.

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