Sunday, October 31, 2010

Costco and Halloween

Today Beachcomber 106 had to go on a Costco run to get toilet paper and paper towels. For those who do not know me: I LOVE COSTCO. I love grocery shopping. I could spend hours in Costco. Not only are there slippery floors that you can slide on, but you get free samples! Every time I go there I get so happy. I went there in my Adidas shorts and a baggy t-shirt on, along with my Rainbows. When I was in Costco I became somewhat nostalgic for home. People in Southern California do not look like they are grocery shopping, they look like they are ready for the mall or a concert all the time. This does not happen in Northern California. It is socially acceptable for people to wear work out attire all day long. Time is much slower and the pace of life is so much more peaceful. People say hello to one another in the grocery store and on the street. I feel like I am in my own skin at home. 

This year I have actually gotten to the place where I feel like I could fit into the life of Southern California. There are some things, such as casual fashion, that make me miss home. People are not home bodies or even bad dressers, it is just so much more peaceful and comfy. Ah home, how I long for you (only a few more weeks). 

On another note: It is HALLOWWEEEEEEN! My roommates and I dressed up as the Spice Girls. I think that all of our costumes were quite appropriate. I was Sporty Spice, Christina was Baby, Rachel was Ginger, and Melissa was Posh. I am not a lesbian, but somehow I am the Sporty one of the group. Some say that I have fast forwarded into a soccer mom because I make sure that my clothes are always comfortable- I still look cute sometimes though, so it;s okay (at least I hope so)! Rachel is sassy and has the wit. Christina is just a baby- haha- and has blonde hair so it works perfectly. And Melissa always wears dresses, so she had to! I kept joking about Sporty Spice being a lesbian... and then I found out that she really is. Just my luck. Oh well- at least she is a good looking one! We went trick-or-treating as 21 year olds, played cut-throat mafia, and pictionary with our lovely neighbors and friends. It was grand.

I hope your Halloween was eventful and full of giggles :)

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