Monday, June 22, 2009

Oh America...

Tonight I went to the A's vs. Giants game. It was like one huge bay area love event... minus the rivalry of the teams. As I was watching the players get all into it, people yelling, people doing the wave, sitting next to funny couples, eating junk food, and sipping on a huge diet pepsi, I couldn't help but laugh about how "American" everything was.

A while back I took a "What nationality are you" quiz and was so desparately hoping to be some ethnic nationality, but nope. I was an American. Which is what I am. But deep down I feel like I am truly meant to be in a different country... I feel that is where God has called me.

But no matter where I go, there will always be things about me that I cannot let go of. If I go to the Middle East I will be desperately in need of a coke, chocolate, and some inn and out when I can't have it.

I know the thought of hiking, taking Bart, laughing about bay area rap, etc... will be something that I will miss.

Freedom of speech, religion, and freedom just to BE is something that is American, although I doubt it from time to time.

There are just so many things that are "American" about myself that I am learning to realize. Favorite meal: Cheeseburger, potato salad, and baked beans with bacon. That screams American food. Favorite holiday: Fourth of July. Enough said.

I am just pondering. The A's won and kicked some serious butt. It was a grand time.

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