Monday, May 17, 2010

i am thankful

i am so incredibly thankful for how God works. i find it funny that God is ALWAYS trying to teach me patience. last year before i went to DC i found out three weeks before hand where i would be interning. i found out two weeks before summer started where i would be working this summer: world vision!

i have been frustrated and unsure about this summer. its funny that we let so much of our time be focused towards what we are going to do when its only two and a half months. since i am graduating next year and applying to teaching programs in the fall, i wanted to make sure i had some kind of experience this summer, either something with development or counseling some kiddos. within the last few weeks, despite not knowing, i have had a peace that has surpassed all understanding. i kept finding myself being like "angela, you need to worry," but God assured me that he would take care of me, just like he takes care of flowers in the field.

i applied for a humanitarian emergency affairs position with world vision first. three months later, i got referred to the head of the governance department to set up an interview. i had an interview on friday and got the job! i am still in awe. i did not even apply for this position yet the description of the job seems to be quite fitting. if you you want to know about it, as me, because it is kind of confusing to explain.

my boss is awesome and so full of life. i am really excited to be working with her. she was so encouraging in the interview and kept saying "oh great answer, great!" at the end of the interview she said, "lets just cut to the chase, you got the job!" i was in awe. no more waiting on e-mails, phone calls, or follow-ups. yes yes yes!

God really does put us where he wants to use us and our talents. i always have a certain ideal of where i want to see myself, but then God is like "Ha, you are good at this and know how to do it well... so I am putting you  here." That is exactly what happened.

i will be living with Christina in Azusa, 13 minutes from World Vision. i am really excited about that small commute. I am going to miss home though, I need to find some good hiking places near Pasadena to fill my thirst. i am a Bay Area baby so not going home might kill my soul a little bit.

this weekend i went to maggi's in irvine and hung out in laguna all weekend with x. it was so pleasant. lots of good food, beach, movies, window shopping (because lets face it i have no money), prayer, church, and giggles.

it is a blessing to have good friends who support you. so thank you friends for your support and love. it does not go unnoticed and i love you all very much.

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