Friday, May 7, 2010

call me crazy

camping was good- hiked 4 hours uphill by moonlight. as miserable as that sounds, it wasn't that bad. the only thing hurting was my hands from carrying something with a horrible handle and my stomach from laughing so hard. it was a great trip. there is something profound about being in nature, overlooking the ocean, and being in a place where you do not have the distractions of everyday life. no make up, sweat, and going pee in the bush... is always good. community was built, unity is on its way, and i am excited about working with as/smu next year.

as for crazy, i have been going a little nuts. school feels like a train that hit me. luckily, i am pushing through, seriously by the grace of God. God has been redirecting my focus towards America. it actually feels weird to tell you the truth. i cannot stop thinking about appalachia and west virginia. who would have known- i am praying about applying to lead a trip there for interterm. we will see if i end up applying or not. next semester is going to be crazy working and finishing up my senior year. memphis is another city i can't stop thinking about. along with LA. oh goodness, all these cities. something is up.

God is funny to me sometimes. he puts one thing on your heart to pray and then he puts something else. america- my home country- a place that i love, has been put on my heart. when i went to mexico a profound story was told to me that has been popping into my head recently. the missionary we were staying with in mexico told us of a story where she tried to cross the border with a truck full of clothes, food, etc. the mexican man at the border stopped her and said "you can't bring that into our country." she replied by saying "since you are not taking care of your own people, i am." bammmm.

lets just say God has been reminding me of that story daily.

life is crazy. its good though. i am up for an adventure.

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