Saturday, September 25, 2010

Kingdom & Blessings

Mother Teresa once said, "I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world." When we stop and think about our God and His desire for the kingdom to be more bright in this world that could not be more true. We are living in the already but not yet stage of the kingdom. I have been thinking about the individualistic view of salvation and the gospel. God never desired the gospel to be a sin management gospel or a three step plan. The gospel is so full of life, it is whole, it is more than just salvation... it is a way of life. It is about caring for the poor, loving our enemies, surrendering our lives, endless grace, redemption, fighting for good, etc. It is a big picture that sometimes we miss. I think Biola does a fine job of making sure that the gospel really is full. As far as I know, most people do not see a hole in the gospel here on Biola's campus. We talk about social issues, have outreaches, feed the poor, and go serve among those who need love. 

Mother Teresa was one smart lady. She understood God's love for His children, that is for sure. God uses every single one of us in some small way to bless others. Sometimes I say "It's just your life" in response to people freaking out about the future and how they are going to serve. God wants to use us. God wants to open our eyes. God wants us to love others the way He would love. God desires for people to have abundant lives. God desperately wants people to know that they are loved and valued- after all He was the one who created them in their Mothers womb, so don't they have a purpose on this earth as well? What about the homeless man who walks across the street barefoot- doesn't he have a purpose? I believe so. 

So we are an instrument for God. We are the aroma of Christ... so let's be a pretty smell that attracts people to knowing that there are bits of the kingdom here on earth. 

On Wednesday I had a phone interview with Memphis Teaching Residency and found out that I got selected for the Fall Selection weekend in December. When I found out I went from the nervousness of asking "When will I find out" to jumping for joy and shedding a few tears. This Memphis journey has gone from a city that God put on my heart to a city that I have fallen in love with, all through prayer. God has his way of blessing- even if it is just to make it to the next step. Now I don't know how I am going to pay to go out there- but I know that I will make it out there. 

God loves to bless. Today Shannon asked me if I wanted to go out on a boat with her parents and Joel and let me tell you... It was SUCH a blessing. The water was beautiful, the weather was gorgeous, and I was with some of my favorite people. It was family time to me. 

I say let's let God use us in His love letter... after all He already wrote it already. 

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