Tuesday, July 6, 2010


there is something so beautiful about morning when it is still pitch dark out. i can hear cars driving by and wonder who is up at this hour. people are probably sleepy, but it is def a time of reflection.

city lights are dimmed, people are in their slumber, and people are resting because a chaotic day set before them.

i think a lot of things are beautiful. almost anything involving creation and the routine of the universe. yesterday i had the joy of being in both laguna and venice in one day: two completely different beach cultures. as i looked out at the ocean i could not help but think about how vast,  beautiful, strong, victorious, and mysterious it is. there is something about the ocean that makes one feel free and liberated, or maybe that's just me.

i could just stare out into the ocean, watch people surf, and look at the cliffs for hours. luckily, most of the people i care about in my life could do the same.

my dad, stepmom, and i hiked through laguna canyon yesterday. once i set foot on the dirt path and was hiking up the canyon through the brush with wildflowers beside me i could not embrace myself. it was so beautiful and needed. you cannot keep me in a concrete city for too long. never ever.

there is something beautiful about people who can appreciate nature with you. i have been on plenty of hikes with people who just see it as a hike. i have been on even more hikes with people who genuinely love being in God's creation. throughout scripture God tells us to love His creation, take care of it, and to see that its the work of His hands. i am pretty sure we should all take hold of that.

the sun is suppose to rise at 5:47am. gotta go find a place to see it.

i realize i used the word beautiful a bunch of times, but there really is no other word to use in this case.

p.s. this is cute (from post secret):

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