Saturday, April 25, 2009

exhaustion but glorious day

Last night I babysat and slept over, like normal. I had the craziest dream ever. I dreamed that like hundreds of cats were sleeping in the bed and began to attack me. I woke up soooo pissed! Ah, I hate cats. Besides human sin and corruption in this world and in my own life, cats probably come second. I don't usaully use the word "hate" but it is very appropriate for cats. And the worst part about it is that the lady I babysit for loves cats. She even has a cat tattoo on her ankle, so I pretend like I think her cats are cute. Why I do that I do not know! Bah.

Anyways onto my title "exhaustion but glorious day." Today was so good. 9-12 was the Sabbathing Chapel. It was a good solid time of spending time with God and truly reflecting on Philippians 4. It was so glorious. Ah, God is so good. His peace truly does surpass all understanding. It is glorious.

After chapel Abbey, Amanda, and I headed down to SD to go to the World Vision AIDS exhibit/walk through deal. It was so emotionally draining, yet so good. It was a good time to reflect on what God calls us to do and it was interesting aligning up the children's lives with what I have been learning in my HIV/AIDS class. Met some grand people while I was there who have a huge heart for HIV/AIDS. It was fab.

And now I am exhausted and can't get words out... but can type. Woah.

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