Friday, March 27, 2009

I love Play-Doh, with a passion. Kendra gave Rachel and I play-doh yesterday... and It happily awaited for me on my desk when I returned from class with a cute note. It's bright pink.

The smell of Play-Doh is one of my favorite smells in the world, other than lavender and Christmas trees. When I opened the lid and took out the little glob of pink wonderfulness it instantly brought me back to the memory of my little play room area, playing with my sister creating little animals for hours and being an innocent kid eating my Mac and Cheese with apples for Lunch. Wow that was a long sentence. But What a life. Nothing mattered, other then playing and always having fun. That was the time when my Mom was always playing with me and I always wanted to be with her. Being a kid was awesome. I remember waiting for my Dad to get home just so I could have a horsey ride and put hair clips in his hair. He was such a trooper. It was the time where I would ride my bike around outside next to the pool house in our neighborhood and sing songs while I was riding my awesome pink banana bike. For some reason this little thing of Play-Doh brought forth all these crazy memories. Thank goodness for Play-Doh; It makes a kids world go round.


Anonymous said...

man you have a good memory angela. I can remember some childhood memories but not as well as you described.

Rachel McCord said...

i cant believe you blogged about this... oh dear.