Thursday, August 2, 2007

beach day :)

i just had to add this. haha. it made me smile.

today was a splendid day. i went to santa cruz with my best friends and with youth group. such a wonderful group of people went. we started out our day by eating near mt hermon with venessa. we had the most delicious organic sandwiches EVER and then we ate in a park. so nice. then we headed over to downtown santa cruz and shopping in urban outfitters for a while. i really enjoy the beach and its always good to have good girl time. the more and more i think about it... i'm about to miss vbc a whole lot. such a big family of jesus lovers haha. but so true, its wonderful. i am really excited that charlie is going to be doing community outreach. i feel like theres so much our church could do and there is so much people aren't aware of. the church could be transformed into a wonderful thing!
p.s. heres an after shot that someone took on my camera of when charlie decided to push tony into the waves when he was doing a hand stand haha.

and something extra special... one of my favorite verses ever.
For God, who said, “Let there be light in the darkness,” has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ. 2 corinthians 4:6 :)


lauren said...

the beach pictures are incredible and the sky is so cool looking.

Dan said...

cool pictures. the colors are vivid and the girls are trying hard. you can't ask for much more in a pitcure.

The Ton Face said...

Can I just say, Charlie is a jerk. Sacrificing me to save his Edge Jeans!

Charlie said...

tony-it wasn't about saving the jeans so much as it was about hating water and hating you.
angela-glad you're excited. please be praying that i am able to understand what the role looks like and that i will be effective in it. thanks!

Anonymous said...

I just love the very first pic on this entree..the one of oyu guys jumping!! looks like FUN!