Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas: the Consumer Holiday... and Jesus!

Growing up as a youngster, I couldn't wait to get presents from Santa Claus or to see that Rudolph ate some of the carrots down stairs... but as I am growing older I am realizing how crazy Christmas has become! I still love the magic of Christmas with Santa Claus, but the essence of Christmas is slowly disappearing. This year for my family I bought them all World Vision Gifts from the catalog and I am stoked to see there reaction. Although I will admit I bought some other goodies as well... for some reason I still feel like there needs to be a little something under the tree, which is silly. But I think you should watch this video, its a good one.

There is good news in the midst of Christmas though. Jesus came as a baby (crazy thought, especially thinking of all the baby actions haha)to live as a Human, to die for us, and to raise from the dead. Luckily thats not the end, he will come back!
I see this as not something to just look at Jesus as a baby, but to see what he has done in our life and how God is so good to have him come!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love that video. and YES... that is the town that the house i was talking about is in. its not the house i was in but there was one like it down the street. crazy