Friday, January 18, 2008

refreshed <3

i have been feeling SOO refreshed recently. i know its all because of the Lord. i've been trying to get into the Word daily and praying like its breathing- although its not exactly that much haha. lots of wonderful things have been going on in the past week.
i just got back from a dinner at the wilburs with my sister and my dad. the wilburs are our old neighbors. their kids are drake and isabella... drake is almost 7 (WOW i can't believe hes almost that old!) and isabella (who i call SISSY is almost 5)! anyways i have been babysitting them since drake was 2 months old! i just love them. they bring such joy to my heart and their, parents, who are pretty much like mine, are so so so dear to my heart. stef and bret, the parents, will probably be in the first row at my wedding. as lame as that sounds haha. i love them THAT much! haha. anyways dinner was just so pleasant. we talked about traveling, college, blessings, etc. and isabella was hanging all over me like a monkey all night haha. i read them stories good night and almost wanted to cry they were that cute. i find it fairly odd because i am only in college but i can't freaking wait to be a mom. ODD yes. i guess its one of those instincts. i just love kids. i was reading drake a story called "peter and the wolf" (don't read it... its not good haha) and he started reading it to me. hes in 1st grade. i had NO idea that kids could read well in 1st grade haha... i don't remember it atleast. i guess i did.

anyways that was a good time. we talked about my possible trip to hungary over SPRING BREAKK!!!! ahhh! and they said they would help support me. VBC, as many of you probably know, is going to hungary over spring break. while we are there, LORD WILLING that is, we will be doing a sport ministry, teaching english, and hanging out and loving on gypsies. UMM hello, so wonderful.

recently i've had this huge fascination with eastern europe and minority people groups. the gypsies fascinate me. there history is just nuts. my ancestors were from what is now the czech republic, and they were gypsies. haha i know gypsies are most of the time a form of a criminal... but whatever. they need love too.

anyways... i'm praying about that for sure.
while i was at dinner i also just had this realization of it doesn't matter what my major is haha. i was thinking "What did God put on my heart? When do i feel the most used? What makes my heart burst of joy and love for christ?"

andddd shabang. its when i am serving, traveling, loving, and when my heart is in line with Christ.

(sorry i feel bad when i talk about myself like this.. but its getting thoughts out haha)

so why is it that i want to switch majors, MAKE MONEY, and be comfortable? it all comes down to the fact that i want a "trade." something i am good at and can travel with. not necessarly just going out into the world without something to offer.
so theres 2 options: as of now that is...
a. teach english
b. do something medical... maybe a dental hygentist- i know super random. but when we were in belize meghan and i helped dr. chew with dental stuff and LOVED IT. maybe after college i'll go to some kind of school to do that.

besides that today was just wonderful and beautiful. i just love how the Lord is revealing his beauty to me more and more. i just love nature... more than most people i feel like. i wish there were creation appreciation class or something at school so people would fall more and more in love with nature. it would make the world such a better place haha. on that note i went on a hike with my sister over to sycamore grove in livermore.. it was more of a walk, BUT IT WAS BEAUTIFUL TODAY!

tomorrow i am having a mother daughter date with my mom. we are going to play tennis :) so fun!
anyways have a good one! love yal.


Dan said...

teach english? you mean like your hero, mr. bowen?

you should do it. fun stuff. anyway, i'll add your blog back to my links but if i even sense that your slacking on posts - you're as good as gone again.

Anonymous said...

a. i'm glad you came to your senses and realized ics is the major or all majors
b. we've been planning on being poor so it will be fun!
c. i miss you a lot