it is so weird being back from Arizona. i miss it a lot already. i love the stillness of quiet places and being surrounded by people i love. and instead i'm cleaning my room and going to the doctor today haha. but still the Lord is continuing to confirm things to my heart that i've been trying to figure out. today i was just thinking about loquita, kristy, Juanita, and JJ. i slept with them a couple nights but one of the nights i was feeling kind of down and i walked in.. and they were awake. they asked if they could pray with me and they were so excited! they shared bible stories with me and why jesus died on the cross for us. they were telling me about Jesus! it was so wonderful. my heart just melted and i really feel like the Lord uses children a lot for me to learn things about him and to realize things about myself.
p.s. i found out my other roommate who is from san leandro.. is actually from turkey haha. so i guess she has some family member whos in san leandro. it should be very multi cultural in my room. really exciting.
my grandparents live in san leandro. however, to the best of my knowledge, they were not born in turkey, therefore eliminating them from contention as possible roommates for you. bummer.
ps: thanks for nothing. no pic of coach d-bo? you are benched. now get on the floor and do 2 finger tip push-ups. seriously. do them.
Though you may have failed to put coach Dan on the blog, you did manage to get Assistant to the Assistant Coach Tony, so remind me to give you 1/10th of a pickle next time I see you.
Plus, I would love to get a disk of your pics from Basketball camp. And tell Anime I want her pics from our kids club.
multi cultural...ha. two of you are so suburban, you just want to think thats multi clutural....i love you bud.
oh and tonys mustach is gross. the sky picture is incredible, so good, did you take that? and i love that your sister and meghan are wearing my shirts in one of the pics.
Yeah, all the pics would be great, props on the crop job on the sky picture... and if Lauren thinks my stache is gross... oh man... ha ha
wow they really got into that whole coach thing ehh?
hey so why dont you have any pictures of our kids up babe?
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