Wednesday, April 18, 2007

missing belize and other thoughts.

-->random. but this is a peak preview of biola. i havent even been there for more then 5 minutes haha but trisha and dave took this for me over spring break. theres also a picture of tim and me. cute aren't we? haha just kidding. and then a picture of jenna, chaden, jamika- my fav, and myself in punta gorda, belize.

i think i left my heart in Belize. figuratively speaking obviously. haha how weird would that be if you could. okay besides that weird thought, i really miss it. although i miss it god is working so much at home too. sometimes when i get back from a trip it seems like everything over. well that only happened once. i didn't go into mission trip looking for a high. i went into it wanting to serve him and showing his love. which is what happened. Jesus is my high. and should always be. its been very cool because people at school keep asking how it was. i share with them what god did while we were there. and then what we did. its been awesome because the people who keep asking me in classes are non-Christians and really want to go on a mission trip now! heres another advantage of being a FISH club leader... today the 6 girls from FHS who went to Belize/Guatemala got to share our experiences. i had a sideshow playing, which was fun so people could see the beauty of God. we shared what we did, how God worked, answered prayers and such. every time i think of the answered prayer of having jenna being able to go on belize i cry. and of course i did. it was actually really embarrassing. everyone was starring at me with blank stares and tears welling up. God works in so many ways! his love is overflowing my heart. his love is unexplainable.

besides belize. its been cool hearing about other peoples trips. i keep reading dan bowns and lauren wallace's blogs. but laurens back now, so i really want to hear about her time. be praying for dan and gary! tonight at OC we are going to be sharing about belize again. love it!
as for exciting plans... i am so pumped for college. biola is going to be amazing. i received the community service scholarship. i found out once i got back on sunday. i am pretty stoked! its going to be a great way to meet people, not that that will be a problem. anyways. thanks for everyones prayers. again.