Tuesday, February 5, 2008

i can't figure out a title because there are many things i want to talk about.

first of all about an hour ago i burnt my leg with boiling water. i was pouring tea out of the tea kettle dealio.... and then i accidently split boiling water on my leg. it hurt like a BIAAAA... you know what i mean and still does.

this semester is a little different than last semester, my life has been dedicated to reading haha. SOOO much of it. its okay though i am kind of in a calmer mood for school this semester. i love all my classes.

my OT and biblical and spiritual formation classes have been rad. the holy spirit is totally at work and forming my heart in different ways. i feel like my eyes are being opened because of the knowledge i am gaining from going through the OT... its pretty sweeeet.

i am meeting with murray- one of my profs from last sem- about going to new zealand in the fall tomorrow....
i really hope it works out.


Dan said...

the fall begins tomorrow??? crazy!

X-tina said...

Dan would point that out... oh gosh. You will have to tell me about your meeting!