Saturday, February 28, 2009

i really just love my friends.

today was one of those days where i just was so happy and loving life.

i really love my friends. like a lot.
last night our usual lovely group of friends went to the old' ship for amy's 20th birthday and enjoyed lots of laughs and love.

tonight another group of us went to cheesecake to celebrate amanda's engagement. it was so lovely. i love new groups of friends and hanging out with people i don't usually hang out with. we quizzed her on fun michael questions and all those goodies. then we followed up and had ben take sweet pics of us in front of horton with the dazzling christmas lights. hm, i am just so happy for her and feel so blessed to know her.

and these flowers made me so happy today. i don't even know why, they are just so simple and were planted so unexpected in the grass. god def has his way of making us happy in the small moments of life.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

I felt compelled by this picture.

Description of picture:
Dearborn, Michigan, June 2002: Tufaha Baydayn, a Lebanese American, fled Lebanon’s civil war in the 1970s.

There is something simple about this picture. A woman, who was made in the image of God, living a life for Allah, or so it seems. Mowing her lawn. In America.

Did she ever think her life would be like this? Living in America, among many others in Dearborn?

What is it like to mix cultures? Does she feel like people are judging her? Think she is a terrorist?

Or do they see her as someone who is trying to make life work out? Do they see her as someone who may be lost? Who may be working for peace... but it having a hard time finding it?

What is her family like? I wonder.
What was she feeling when this picture was taken of her? I wonder that too.

I am compelled by this picture. I am drawn to Muslims and to the Islamic Culture in its self, but this for some reason... is just so simple. It reminded me of how simple life can be, even though one can be in two worlds.

I feel like that. Living in this world, yet patiently waiting for Christ's return. Living to serve our God in a world that is fallen from sin. Living in a world to love and to show Christ's love... so that the Lord can be glorified.

I serve a good God.. my goodness.

This past week feels like I have been given presents from above. I have opened them gladly in in awe that this is what the Lord has for me!

Here are a few.

1. I applied to Study in Washington D.C. next fall and got accepted! Here is the website... there are lots of goodies on there.
I am beyond stoked. I checked my e-mail on wednesday morning, not expecting anything but saw "Congratulations!" and was instantly filled with joy. The chances of getting in were hard, especially since I am not a Poli Sci major, but I am so excited to bring the cultural side of things to the program, get ready D.C.! I am super stoked for my internship and have been thinking about World Vision, Amnesty International, or an Embassy (preferably a country in the Middle East). We shall see what happens!
I am also way stoked to travel to Boston, New York, Philly, and more places on the weekend. I am most excited to be in the "pulse" of America and to be insider to D.C. I am way EXCITED to be there while Obama is there :)

2. The people I babysat for last summer called me and asked me to nanny for them this summer, and I agreed. Seriously, that was the last thing I wanted to do this summer... was to be surrounded with children and not have intelligent conversations. Haha, But I am trying to see it as a blessing to be able to actually have a job at home. I really wanted to work at Catalina with my friend Amy and Rach, but hey.... when life throws you lemons make lemonade. Haha jk, but seriously. I think it will be good for me to be home to hang out with Meg and to be home before I go off on my D.C. adventure.

3. I love love love Southlands! I am so grateful that the Lord has led me there. I will admit I am sad to not be able to be involved at that church during the summer or fall, but I will return gladly next spring and enjoy my time there now. The Lord has a time for everything, and I just need to trust in that!

4. I read "Surprised by the Power of the Spirit" by Jack Deere... and have been amazed. The Lord has opened my eyes to many things and to His Spirit. It has been an amazing journey and process.

5. I just ordered a new computer! Although I am a fan of Macs and will be forever... I bought a PC because of the price. And I am actually excited about it! I can finally upload pictures, get music, and watch movies on my compute. Haha I know that sounds so silly and simple... but hey my old little ibookG4 is just not up to par.

So yes, as you can see I got to open lots of presents. Haha.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Way I See it #293

The way I see it
Isn't necessarily
The way you see it
Or the way it is
Or ought to be
What's more important
Is that we're all
Looking for it

And a way to see it

--Desi Di Nardo
Author and Poet.
She lives in Toronto, Canada.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Becoming a true Hamburger lovin' American

Haha... kind of funny this is the only picture that loaded within 5 seconds. The reason I never load them is because it takes at least ten minutes on my computer.

I have come to the conclusion that I like hamburgers or anything with a bun on it... WAY TO MUCH for my own good!
True story, I can predict every day that a cheeseburger will be served in the caf and somehow know they will be served right as I walk into the crowd infested Caf. Once I see a line by sixth street grill, I get suddenly excited.

Haha, I really don't think this should be okay because my love for hamburgers has grown tremendously within the last few months. I had a cheeseburger for lunch and dinner last night, no bueno.

An all american meal: Coke, french fries, and a cheeseburger. Dang it, I have given in to this obese society. I think this issue comes down to another event. When I was in Mexico over interterm I kept telling myself I could have mexican food for the rest of my life and not even picture myself living in America long term. Living in a normal house in America seriously seemed like my worst nightmare.

Little did I know E. Coli would affect my fragile body. That is when I craved the American life of having health insurance, clean walls, spiders not falling on my face while I sleep, and food that I can eat without worrying if I will get E. Coli or not.

Even though we are in an economic crisis, we have destroyed many countries due to modernization and dependency, and our government seems corrupt, I still love America and will continue wear my fourth of July Shirt proudly.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Today was rad. God is even more rad.

Last night was crazy, lets just say heart burn took over my body and I really felt the enemy attacking. I have been sick for the last month it feels like. I woke up in the middle of the night just thinking "God take this from me! Heal me Lord, use your mighty power." And He gave me a few hours to sleep.

I went to a new church today, Southland Church International, and fell in love. Over the last year and a half I have been church hopping, trying to find one to call "home." This one is going to be my "home."

The message was on God's power of calling people to himself and the gospel. It was so beautiful and spirit driven. I loved the church because it was a beautiful balance of what church should be like: people abiding in Christ, being moved and in tune with the spirit, good teaching/theology, and community that was driven by Christ's love.

One of my favorite things that the Irish pastor said today was, "It is the love of Christ that controls me," I loved that.

God really spoke to me today, in a big way. One thing he has definitely showed me in the last few months of so is to get out of my American thinking and to not put him in a box or to put a formula to how he is going to work. God is big and mighty... and loves his children so very much. There were many eventful happenings at church today.

Another thing is that God has been teaching me more and more is surrender and to not take his death and resurrection for granted. Man, God is so good! That is all I can say. I am blown away by his love... time and time again.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

belize belize... my heart is there.

I just tried to take a nap and woke up because I couldn't stop thinking about Belize. I opened my eyes and looked over of a picture of Jem, Mikey, and Jamika and started to tear up. I miss them so much. I don't know if they remember me, and if they don't I hope they remember that Christ loves them and that others have shared that with them. I know the Lord will do a work in their life.

I wonder how old they are from time to time. I think Mikey is almost 10. So that means Jem is probably 13... holy crap. Wow.
I wonder what there home life is like. Has their mom stopped being a prostitute? Is there Dad still abusive? Do they still gather scraps of food? Is there heart still filled with innocent joy of being a child? Or has reality hit them? Have they come to know the Lord?

All of these thoughts fill my mind. There is one thing I do know. The Lord loves them so much. Our God is a good God and loves. He died for all three of them and their family. If they haven't come to know Him, He wants them too. He is our protector.

I think about Belize almost every day. Sometimes I wonder if its myself making myself think about it or if its the Holy Spirit reminding me to pray for them and preparing me to go back. I would do anything to go back to Punta Gorda.

I love them. And Belize so much. And I love that God loves them even more.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

rain rain go away please.

today it rained... a lot.
after development emily and i ran to the caf and i looked like a wet dog while singing "i am a wet wet puppy running in the rain," while passing shannon with her cute little umbrella.

today i spent a lot of my time with emily and we did our fair amount of whining in this world because of the rain haha.

today i also had micro issues in relief and development, and i am continually reminded of how much i love it.
it makes me think. it makes me squirm. it makes me nervous. it makes me happy. it makes me think of every angle. it makes me feel ignorant. it makes me feel young. it makes me get passionate. it makes me know i am in the right place.

i am one of the youngsters in the class, which sometimes makes me wonder if i shouldn't be in the class... but i remind myself that i am there for a reason. God is using what i am learning. already in my adventure over to mexicali, i put a lot of my learning of international development into motion (well in my mind) of how so many projects could be effective with what i am learning in dr. greene's classes.

education is so valuable! ah, what i am learning is so valuable. i can't get over it.
i also am realizing that most of what i am learning is related to foreign politics in one way or another, which is so fun and interesting.

yes, well that is all. its time for some Jesus lovin.

mumble mumble...

it is late and i am SO awake.. which is not significant at all, but oh well!

today was so incredibly random and fun.
-i started my day off with a spanish workshop, enjoying spanish that i do not understand.
-continued by day with a horrible sharp pain of heart burn.
-i then thought to myself (what a beautiful world)... no actually i thought "Jesus i need tums!"
-so then i saw the twins and asked them if they ever got heart burn and WAAA LAA, leanna whipped out the tums. whoever says Jesus doesn't answer prayer is silly!
-had lunch with my mexico team and realized how very grateful i am for the girls who were on my team, but would be totally fine without any men bossing me around- EVER.
-skipped acts due to heart burn... and that is where God met me in cool ways today...

-i got a letter in the mail from world vision talking about children in need of medicine and how we can help... so again God was like... "Angela type this up and have your floor be apart of it!" so i typed them up and put them on the floor. and money was already donated! praise God! we need to raise 94 bucks. check it out at
-read online that Obama signed something that Child Defense Fund is all about.. and 4 million kids will now have health insurance!! woah praise God again. but hopefully everything will be promised... as signed and the other 5-8 million kids in america can have that opportunity as well.
-and got to send my little child in Ecuador a letter. precious little diego loves playing with cars, how cute is that.

after all that happened, i felt like i was floating on clouds.
my lovely friends and i had wonderful prayer love time and i loved it.

i am amazed by God's love day after day and LOVE that he surprises me with new blessings :)

ALSO today, i am realizing how much i mumble and just assume that my best friends are suppose to understand me. luckily, rach, shan, and my sister know how to understand me. way to go friends.

line of the day ((which i only laughed at because i am so (not) funny): "Czech me out!"
another funny thing:: last week everyone thought it was hilarious (which is not )and knew i had e-coli. so nasty. i think it was due to having chinese food in mexico; smart move angela.

p.s. "Southern Exposure" is a great book and everyone should read it.
p.s.s. i love that my bed is next to rachel's... and have slumber parties every night.

Monday, February 2, 2009

catch up time: hello 2009!

One blog is a bit overwhelming to catch up on the last month for the fact. For three weeks in January I had the amazing opportunity to go to Mexicali, Mexico with a team from Mexico. I will recap it it.
Week #1:
- We did a TON of labor work on the property of the missionaries we were staying with. My favorite was cleaning up the medical clinic. The down side to cleaning up the Med Clinic was throwing away tons and tons of medicine that could of been used by someone but is now expired.
-Went to the group home a few times and loved on the children. The kids who live there have parents who are in jail because of abuse or drug use. I wish I could of spent every single day and hour with these kids!! But we didn't, so its all good.
Week #2:
-Worked at the dump and did medical outreach. I had the amazing opportunity of sharing my testimony and how God has worked in my life through the dark times.
-Did outreach with the local churches
-Soccer outreaches! Ha, which were a joke because USA vs. Mexico is just a domination of Mexico.
-Fed and clothes the homeless deported people from Guatemala.
-Gave out lots and lots of tracks, which is new to me. I never hand out tracks because I see them as impersonal and cheesey, but the bright side is that people in Mexico love them and actually read them! So praise God!
-We returned to the group home another time and played with them :)
Week #3:
I got super sick and laid in bed for hours on end haha.
Maggi came and got me at Candice's house over the border a day early because I was so sick. But Praise God I am better!

I am still trying to process the trip, so until I do... I will leave it at that. I do know one thing though.. God sent me there to love on the children and to grow to have another family- my team.

So this semester is already getting a little crazy. I am taking Micro Issues in relief and development, Acts, HIV/AIDS and the Church in Africa, Survey of American Government, and Spanish II. All of which are AMAZING and so so fun! But there is a lot of work.

My HIV/AIDS class is absolutely fascinating and I have a rad professor. He is from South Africa and is now the Director of AIDS outreach at Saddleback church. He has been involved in the AIDS movement and is brilliant.

Some goals for this semester:
1. Keep the good grades up! Learn the info not only for my brain but for my heart.
2. Make sure I have best friend time often :)
3. Fun Friday Adventures: Beach Bike adventures, YES!
4. Figure out this summer...
5. Find another job!
6. Get involved with another ministry- Muslim ministry?!
7. Focus on the skills God has given me and put them into practice.
8. And the most important of all... Grow more in love with my Lord and strive to love others He would.

the end!